It refers to the ability to make a global product fit a local market.
Still others study local responses to globalization.
Others study global patterns of consumption, migration, and travel.
Thinking globally in sociology could entail a variety of different approaches.
Analyze the shift in the job market and increase in international trade due to an increase in globalization.
It is generally used to refer to economic globalization: the global distribution of the production of goods and services, through reduction of barriers to international trade such as tariffs, export fees, and import quotas and the reduction of restrictions on the movement of capital and on investment.
Globalization refers to the increasing global relationships of culture, people, and economic activity.
Some thinkers argue that in the last few decades trends associated with globalization have increased the mobility of people and capital.
In some ways, global cities are more intimately connected to the global economic system and to other global cities than they are to surrounding regions or national settings.
The most complex and central cities are known as global cities.
According to global cities theory, globalization is not a process that affects all places evenly.
A global city is a city that is central to the global economic system, such as New York or London.
One of the most prominent theories in this field is that of global cities.
Examples of globalization in the following topics: